Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Elly, 10 months old

Yesterday, Elly passed the 11 month mark. Time to upload the photos of a 10 month old Elly...but appears there was a batch of pics from 9 months that I missed. So to begin, here are a few from right before she turned 10 months old.

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Those last few photos are from the day before her 10-month birthday, and only hours before she took her first step. That evening, we had Cori's parents over for dinner, and during their stay, Elly walked from the coffee table to her Grandma Vollmer. Grandmas get all the firsts, apparently. Grandma Harding got the first hug, Grandma Vollmer got the first steps.

We didn't get a photo of the first steps, but we did get one a day or two later. Apparently, as soon as you can walk, you're also qualified to climb stairs. Do you think we can get any cash from Cuisinart for that last photo?
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Peek-a-boo Grandma

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For her first Halloween, our little giraffe was able to spend time with her cow cousin Nathan Horne, and her other cousin Dylan "Brian Urlacher" Hicks...oh yeah, and the rest of the family, too.


Post-giraffification (and what a fierce giraffe she makes):

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"What? You've never had a giraffe perform dental work, Daddy?"
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Elly, Dylan and Paige also made a trip to see (great-great) Uncle Hank and Aunt Laverne
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The weather is getting colder, and soon it will be too cold for long trips to the park, so we're getting in as much play time as we can.
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"Time to go home, Elly."

Looks like someone likes Uncle Ben's guacamole.
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And finally, here she is on her 11-month birthday, having a celebratory splash.

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