Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Elly photos, months 3-4

Let's continue getting caught up on old photos, shall we? As always, let me know if you'd like a higher-res version of any of these.

Photobucket Elly (3 months) and cousin Dylan (6 months)

Random photos from month three.
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The Harding clan at Aunt Becky's house, including a hilarious photo session with Elly (3 and a half months) and cousin Nathan (1 month).
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Almost four months old.
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Easter at Grandma and Grandpa Vollmer's house.
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Random photos from month four.
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Cori noticed Elly trying very hard to roll over, so I ran and got the camera just in time to catch her first successful roll. She even paused half way through to smile for the camera.
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More photos from month four.
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1 comment:

  1. little ElizaBeth is precious! Thanks for sharing the photos with her favorite cousin, Beth.
