Here's our big girl, right around her 6 month birthday. She wasn't really standing independently at this point, but stayed there long enough for Cori to snap a quick photo.
Elly and friend Danielle, what a photogenic pair.
These photos are from an outdoor jazz concert at Elmhurst College. Elly loves being outdoors, and this was a perfect summer for it!
Six months was a fun time. Elly got really good at sitting on her own, and started really playing with toys, not just waving them around. We can really see the beginnings of an imagination as she plays with toys and laughs out loud.
A couple days before Elly turned seven months old, she, Mommy and Grandma Vollmer took a train ride into the city to visit Grandpa at work at the Palmer House. Elly loved the train. She loves her grandpa too. Oh look, grandpa taught her the Palmer House salute.
No, Elly isn't eating goldfish crackers just yet, but they do make a good baby rattle.
In July, we had a couple visitors stay with us for a few days; the daughters of some good friends. Cori and the girls did all kinds of fun things together, like going to the zoo and the water park. Elly and Adela are great friends.
A typical bedtime scene, part of the ritual.
Who is that cute baby in the mirror?!
As fun as month six was, month seven was full of even more momentous firsts. Elly cut her first tooth, and then had a week in which she cut a second tooth, pulled herself up into a standing position, learned to clap, and pushed herself into a sitting position all in just a few days' time. Mommy and Daddy are exhausted. The second photo here is of her after pushing herself up into a sitting position for probably the second or third time. In the third photo, she is celebrating her achievement with a good round of applause. She's so proud of herself.
The day before Elly's eight-month birthday, we went to what was supposed to be Elly's first Cubs game. Instead, it turned out to be Elly's first rain delay and postponed game. We sat in the stands for more than three hours before they called the game. But it was the same day as the Chicago air show, and we were treated to some fly-by runs from the Air Force Thunderbirds, which was exciting for Daddy, and terrifying for Elly. Despite the weather, we had a great day, even if we didn't get to see the game. With us at the game were Aunt Becky and cousin Nathan, and "Mr. Fred," who provided the tickets.
Babies love Mr. Fred. He and Elly have been friends since she was born. It took Nathan about 5 seconds to come to agreement: Mr. Fred is fun.
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