In my last post, Elly (nearly 8 months old) had just learned to sit up, and to pull herself up into a standing position. It didn't take very long for her to learn to crawl. Boy did life change quickly. Now she can get herself into all kinds of tricky situations, like getting stuck under the coffee table.
We have a new favorite bed-time book. "Peek a Who?"
Keeping Elly away from the oven became quite a task. She loves to watch Daddy cook.
Who doesn't love summer?...and this was a particularly fine one. The weather was great all summer long. Don't have a yard? Thank God for parks.
This is what happens when Daddy is asked to "get bathtime started."
One-handed chin-ups.
...and there go nine months. Being nine months old was lots of fun for Elly. It turns out a whole new world opens up once one can crawl. Mommy and Daddy noticed that they haven't been able to pick up the camera as often, since they are spending more time running around the house.
Elly and cousin Nathan. Nathan, at 6 months (ish) in this photo, is at the magical age where he really started playing with toys. It's lots of fun to watch him and Elly interacting with each other. It's also funny to see them side-by-side. Elly is 10 weeks older, but rougly the same size. She's so itty-bitty.
One comical/embarassing drawback to Elly's petite frame is that the only pants that are long enough to cover her ankles, are so big in the waist that they fall right off as she furniture cruises, as seen above.
Below, a mobile Elly at Great-Grandma Kraemer's house.
And here we are, back with our favorite book, but this time with a little more hair, and a few more teeth. Say good night, Elly...soon you'll be ten months old.
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